Why chemical engineering is an exciting field

We all remember our first encounter with chemistry—the vibrant colors of the periodic table, the mysterious reactions in a test tube, the excitement of discovering the building blocks of our world. For many of us, that initial spark of curiosity has grown into a lifelong passion. Today, we want to share why chemical engineering remains…

FD gazellen award 2023

We won the FD Gazellen Award!

Dear Chemploy Superstars, Strap on your running shoes and get ready to throw some confetti because Chemploy has clinched the FD Gazellen Award for the second time! It’s a moment for celebration, and also a moment to wonder if we accidentally stumbled into the race of life without realizing it. Every morning at Chemploy, a…

Culture defined…But not by us!

Like all companies, we strive for customer excellence, an appealing work environment where people can grow and flourish. But what differentiates us from any other company? The answer is: Our Culture. But what is our culture exactly? In order to find out, we conducted an external study, mapping the culture that defines us.  Curious to…