Breaking Bad isn’t just an epic TV show; it’s a five-season-long chemistry class with a splash of drama, a dash of crime, and a whole lot of questionable decisions. Whether you’re a fan of science or just good storytelling, here are five lessons we can take away from the show—chemistry-inspired, of course, but also with a side of life advice (because who doesn’t need that?).

1. Chemistry Can Be Explosive—Literally and Figuratively

In Breaking Bad, we see that chemistry is more than just mixing chemicals; it’s the science of change. Walter White transforms from a mild-mannered chemistry teacher to the fearsome drug lord Heisenberg. This transformation is as volatile as any chemical reaction in his RV-turned-lab.

Life lesson: Be careful when mixing elements of your personality. A little ambition is good, but too much Heisenberg might make things… combust.

2. Always Wear Your Protective Gear

Walter and Jesse wouldn’t dream of cooking without their respirators and hazmat suits. It’s not just about looking cool (though let’s admit, they do pull off that yellow suit look); it’s about not inhaling toxic fumes or getting acid burns.

Life lesson: Whether you’re in a lab or dealing with life’s messes, protect yourself. Maybe you’re not handling hydrofluoric acid, but a little emotional armor never hurt anyone.

3. Know When to Walk Away from a Reaction

In chemistry, if a reaction is going wrong, sometimes the best course of action is to step back, let it cool down, and rethink your approach. Walter White could have learned this lesson—especially when things started spiraling out of control.

Life lesson: Not every situation can be controlled, and not every problem needs you to “cook” your way out. Sometimes, it’s better to walk away before things explode.

4. The Importance of Purity

Walter’s meth is infamous for its 99.1% purity. It’s what sets him apart in the drug world. In chemistry, purity is crucial because impurities can lead to unwanted side reactions or a final product that’s, well, not what you wanted.

Life lesson: Purity isn’t just about chemicals. In life, aim to keep your intentions and actions as “pure” as possible. It’s tempting to take shortcuts, but as Walt shows us, the cost of compromising on your values can be steep.

5. Science Is Cool, But It Won’t Solve Everything

Walter’s scientific genius is undeniable. He uses chemistry to solve problems in ways most of us wouldn’t dream of (or legally get away with). However, no amount of science can fix broken relationships, moral dilemmas, or a conscience weighed down by bad choices.

Life lesson: You can be a genius, but without empathy and wisdom, you’re just a smart person making bad decisions. Use your knowledge to build, not to destroy. And remember, if you ever find yourself thinking that cooking meth might solve your problems, it’s time to reevaluate your life choices.